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It’s hard to believe it has been a year since we left everything we knew and all the people we loved and moved to El Salvador. It’s hard to believe because honestly it seems like it’s been ten years, not one. When I was thinking of putting together this reflection on our first year, a joke from the movie The Magnificent Seven came to mind. Now, listen, I love Chris Pratt as much as the next guy, but I am of course referring to the Steve McQueen version. He’s about to face the antagonist of the movie in a gun duel and tells this joke about how he’s feeling on the way to the showdown:

I am reminded of a fella back home who fell out of a ten-story building. People on every floor heard him as he went by. He said, “So far so good!”

It’s okay, you can laugh if you got it. Obviously becoming missionaries and moving to El Salvador hasn’t been like falling out of a ten-story window! We chose to follow this calling so it’s more like jumping than falling. But… we are still here and still alive and our kids too! So…

So far so good!

I thought it might be helpful to give any of you curious humans some insight and thoughts after our first year on the field. (For some reason our oldest, Harris, refers to people as “humans” not people… and we have no idea.)

Hannah and I were talking about our first month or two in the country and legitimately cannot remember a lot, it’s a blur. Honestly, we don’t think on it too much or we just start crying. No particular reason why or any specific event, just all of it. It was a whirlwind with a lot of moving pieces.

We were reminded of those initial months when the boys went back to school recently. They were all so very excited to start a new school year at their respective schools and classes. To see friends and teachers. But last year it was so difficult for them and Hannah and I. It was kind of like that movie that won a lot of awards, Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. Okay, I’ve never seen it and have no idea what it’s about, but the title works, amiright?

In some ways the most helpful part about looking back is that it gives us perspective for the present and allows us to be grateful for where we are now

… even if it’s far from Margaritaville!

It reminds me of the Old Testament when God commanded his people to have His word read aloud often. This was a reminder of many things, but mainly, where He has brought them from, how far they have come, how much they sinned, and how much grace and mercy He has shown them.

So, I write these reflections as a way to recognize just how far we’ve come in a year, to see and appreciate what God has done, to be reminded of his mercy, and to be grateful that we are where we are today, and not still where we were.

There have been plenty of ups and downs. Lots of triumphs and failures. Many moments of just pure brokenness or distraught-ness. We have shared many of these moments and trials with you, but not all. And you have prayed for us, and reached out to us, and some of you even came to visit.

We cannot tell you how much we covet those prayers, how grateful we are for your words of encouragement and support. We can’t express how encouraging it is just to have someone come and see what we are doing and encourage our boys and us with your presence.

The words of Paul in his letter to the Church in Philippi are perfect:

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:3-6

I will take a moment and share with you something I’m not sure I’ve ever heard another missionary say (maybe they have and I wasn’t listening, which is entirely possible) but it truly is extremely encouraging to have people we love, and who support and partner and pray for us come and visit. To come and see what God is doing here, how he is moving, and see this place we have been called to. I’d dare to say that it wouldn’t bother us at all if a supporter stopped giving for a few months to save for a flight ticket to get here, after that we have a place to stay and plenty of good food. Obviously then you can start giving monthly again! Just a little aside, it’s good for our soul to have the body of Christ come and see, and love on our kids, and fellowship with us.

So, as we reflect on our first year on the field, yes, we look back at how far we’ve come, but we mostly look forward with anticipation and excitement for what is to come! As we finish up our language learning, there are many opportunities that are presenting themselves and developments that are gaining momentum.

So, I’ll ask you, will you pray for what’s next with us?

For the harvest that is so abundant, and yet there is a great need for laborers. Will you pray for opportunities for new relationships, and to continue to grow those that we have already begun? Will you pray for our dependence on Christ in our endeavors and a commitment to the work we have been called to? Will you pray for our boys and their language learning and for friendships that are meaningful and lasting, and the same for Hannah and I?

We are excited for all that God has in store for us in year two, and we pray the words of Paul from Ephesians 3:20; “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.”

Will you join in and pray all this and more to that God?

Who is far greater and can do far more that we are ever able to comprehend! Please let us know what we can be praying for you. Our boys pray for many of you by name, and it is a blessing to be able to pray for each of you.

Thank you for partnering with us in this calling as we head into year two… so far so good!


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