We didn’t have a specific location in mind when we realized God was calling us to serve Him in foreign missions in a long-term capacity. During our application process, Mission to the World wisely and providentially connected us to Rodney and Jana Davila. Rodney is the Team Leader for MTW’s El Salvador field. When we met, the Davilas had just wrapped up over a decade of church planting in Costa Rica and were forming a team to start a brand-new church planting ministry in El Salvador.
We had the opportunity to spend time with Rodney and Jana on several different occasions, sharing meals together and hosting them in our home, because they were stationed in Atlanta for their Home Ministry Assignment during this season. We felt a deep connection and respect for them and are incredibly excited to learn from them as our mentors in the ministry. We have never planted a church before, and the Davilas have been serving God in this capacity for almost as long as we have been alive!
Rodney & Jana’s Story
The Davilas met in Costa Rica in the early 90’s while Jana was studying Spanish and getting ready to serve in Ecuador. They joined MTW as a couple in 1993 and raised two children – Christopher and Alyssa – on the mission field. Rodney and Jana have been involved with church planting and national leadership development in Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, and now are beginning a new work in El Salvador.
During the last ten years in Costa Rica, they helped a Costa Rican congregation grow to maturity and become a particular church. Now, this church has three church plants in process and they realized it was time for the Davilas to step back and let the Costa Ricans take the reigns.
The Seed Planted
Rodney first visited El Salvador on a vision trip in 2011 and was struck by the desperation and lack of hope. He also sensed an opportunity for the gospel to penetrate the lives of the people. He started to pray that God would send an MTW missionary to El Salvador. Little did they know that God would call them!
The Davilas desire is to create a team that will impact the culture of El Salvador as they identify and train leaders with the vision of starting churches in their communities. The gospel can transform lives and bring hope to El Salvador!
You can learn more about the Davilas or support them on their MTW bio page.